Listed below are commonly requested phone numbers and links to utility companies and public schools that serve the Gold Ridge Fores community. Also listed are website links and numbers to El Dorado County.
Pacific Gas and Electric(530) 621-7265 | Power Outages: (800) 743-5002
El Dorado Irrigation District (530) 622-4513
>> Go to El Dorado County Website
Safety issues: El Dorado County Sheriff 911 or (530) 621-6600
Abandoned Vehicles: (530) 621-6573
Animal Control: (530) 621-5795
Department of Transportation: (530) 621-5900
Code Enforcement: (530) 621-5366
Pollock Pines Fire Department: (530) 644-2934
Burn Day Information: (530) 621-5897
Waste Management: (530) 626-4141
Office Information:
4101 Opal Trail | Pollock Pines, CA 95726
Phone: 530-644-3880
Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00 - 2:00 p.m.