Please join us in the spring for our monthly meeting. Meetings are the fourth Monday of each month. Located at the clubhouse . Meetings are currently paused for the winter months.
Be sure to scroll down this page for all kinds of great information to help you prepare your family, your home and your property in the event of a wildfire.
You cannot get an emergency notification without it (formerly CODERED)! Go to to register your phone numbers today. In the event of an emergency, you will get a call from 866-419-5000. That's a call you will want to answer!!There are lots of great places to get fire information. Below are links to just a few.
Gold Ridge Forest Fire Safe Council 2024 Certificate (pdf)
DownloadThank you to everyone who attended the July 22 Evacuation Preparedness event!! Recordings are below!
If you are a SENIOR, DISABLED VET or have LOW INCOME and need free assistance with defensible space, please see the senior program link on this page.
If you have any issues with the application, please call (707) 888-9331 and let Sherry know. Leave a message if no one answers with your information.
The Senior program and chipping program are both available!!
Senior Program:\
If you have your license and radio and have been listening to the Pollock Pines - Camino Neighborhood Radio Watch you have heard the group report on nearby fires. It is one of the best tools we can have for fire information in our area. We are so grateful to the EDC Amateur Radio Club for bringing this to our area.
To get your license which will be good for anyone in your family whether they live with you or not click here for the instructions or scroll down to the Neighborhood Radio Watch Section.
To join the Neighborhood Radio Watch Facebook page to get updates on fires and more go to
To sign up with the group email to get even more info and be able to communicate with the group all at once, and get reminders for meetings and net check-in nights sign up at
Part one: 1 hour
Part two: 30 minutes
Alert Wildfire Cameras in our area:
Broadcastify: Go to or download the phone app.
CalFire Amador/EDC Unit:
Cal Fire Incidents:
US Forest Service - EDC:
Flightradar24: to view airplanes that may be on air attack.,-120.6/12
El Dorado County Emergency & Information Page:
El Dorado County Emergency Response Information:
If emergency vehicles can't find you, they can't help you. Scroll down to find a form to order your reflective sign today! Only $25
Do you wonder about your landscape? Are your plants fire friendly - fire resistant? To learn more go to
Do you need a fire retardant/resistant tarp for your wood pile per the defensible space ordinance? must be •Cal Fire NFPA 701, CPAI-84 & California Title 19 Compliant or State of California Fire Marshal approved.
Here are a few choices we found.
The Fire Safe Council is a separate entity form the POA. For questions and more information, please call (707) 888-9331 or email
Our mission is to make our community fire safe through roadside vegetation management, greenbelt clearing, through Grant funding, special programs for our residents and volunteer services. We are also here to educate and encourage our neighbors to contribute by clearing their own defensible space and making sure they have evacuation plans that will work best for them. It is this council's promise to seek grant funding in order to complete the above and more.
If you have any questions or need assistance feel free to email or call (707) 888-9331.
See the Power point from the July 31 Evacuation Meeting plus more information coming.
Below are important files and maps regarding the defensible space ordinance inspections .
May 14, 2020 Town Hall Meeting Flyer (pdf)
Download2020_Battalion_1_Station_20 (pdf)
DownloadSly Park CEA (pdf)
DownloadInitial Duty to Abate Notice rev 2-11-2020 (pdf)
DownloadEDC Ordinance Inspection (Revised 2-4-2020) (jpg)
DownloadDefensibleSpace (jpg)
DownloadChipping Application (docx)
DownloadChipping Instructions.pdf (pdf)
DownloadNov 2020 Defesible Space questions (pdf)
DownloadIt is very important and highly recommended by Cal Fire and EDC to have visible street signs. Keep emergency vehicles from wondering the neighborhood looking for you. Signs are only $25
Office Information:
4101 Opal Trail | Pollock Pines, CA 95726
Phone: 530-644-3880
Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00 - 2:00 p.m.